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Social Footprint

La Doria obtains Social Footprint certification

for its tomato supply chain

Social Footprint is the first certification that assesses the social footprint of a product through the analysis of the organization, people and supply chain. The objective is to engage consumers in more socially conscious purchasing choices and at the same time support Companies in transparent communication to the market.

The assumption is very simple: the consumer must be able to “see” what is behind a product, in terms of the origin of raw materials and the location of the main production processes while also assessing the “human” aspects.

To achieve certification, La Doria mapped all its fresh tomato, packaging and ingredient suppliers, as well as all companies involved in the transport of raw materials. Through a set of indicators, it then calculated its social footprint focusing on aspects related to worker protection and engaging in monitoring of these indicators. Absence of illegal labor practices, respect for fair working conditions, absence of racial and gender discrimination, and fair wages are just some of the aspects that La Doria guarantees and commits to uphold.

Below the Label of the “Social Footprint – Product Social Identity” certification.



Organization: Big Company

Legal Head Office:

  • Address: Via Nazionale, 320
  • City: Angri
  • Province: SA
  • Region: Campania
  • Country: Italy

Production sites subject to certification:

  • Via Nazionale 320 – 84012 Angri (SA)
  • Contrada Starzella della Foce snc – 84087 Sarno (SA)
  • Via Polcareccia 1/5 – 84084 Fisciano (SA)
  • Strada Consorziata snc – 85024 Lavello (PZ) – Eugea Mediterranea S.p.a. plant.


Social certifications already obtained by the organization:

  • SMETA 2 Pillar, ISO 26000 attestation, FOE

Since 2017 it has been reporting its environmental, social and economic results through the Sustainability Report, a document prepared on the basis of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).

Human resources of certified production plants

Data updated to 31/12/2024

Total workers: 715

  • of which permanent: 91.3%
  • of which fixed-term: 8.7%

Gender of workers:

  • men 82%
  • women 18%

Average age of workers: 42

Number of workers by age range:

under 18 years (*): 0%

18-29 years: 15%

30-39 years old: 26%

40-50 years old: 30%

over 50 years: 30%

* the company repudiates the use of child labor and is committed to the entire supply chain for the abolition of child and child labor.


≤ 2 years: 21%

>2 ≤10 years: 26%

>10 ≤ 20 years: 33%

>20 years: 20%

Worker citizenship:

Italy: 99.7%

EU: 0%

Non-EU: 0.3%

Of which 1 Ukraine and 1 Marocco

Number of workers by education:

no education: 0%

elementary or junior high school diploma: 21%

high school diploma: 53%

college degree or master’s degree: 26%

Workers’ activities:

manual process activity (*): 60%

mechanical or automated process activity: 13%

office work: 27%      

* qualitative  tomato selection activity on the line, which cannot be automated.

Number of work-life balance initiatives: 1 (smart-working)

Average annual hours per permanent worker: 1,681

Average annual hours per temporary worker: 300

Annual Health&Safety training hours per worker: 16

Working hours:

Production: 06-14 / 14-22 / 22-06

Offices: 8:30-13:30 / 14:30-17:30

Suppliers to the tomato supply chain

Total number of suppliers: 422

Supplier localization:

  • Italy 98%
  • EU 1%
  • Extra EU 1%
  • Monitored suppliers: 83%

Suppliers of seeds packaging, ingredients and transport:

72 of 422 Number


  • Italy 88%
  • EU 6%
  • Extra EU 7%

Tomato suppliers:

Number 350 of 422


  • Italy 100%
  • EU 0%
  • Extra EU 0%

See the list of La Doria products

and download their SFP label

La Doria S.p.A.- società con unico socio, Via Nazionale 320 Angri (Sa) - Italia
Capitale sociale € 46.810.000 (int. vers.)
C.F., P.IVA e N. iscrizione Registro Imprese di Salerno:
IT00180700650- REA SA147593