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Generating shared value

In all our products there is the passion that each of us puts into our work.

Innovate to improve and preserve

For La Doria, investing in innovation means making a concrete contribution to modernising the country and improving competitiveness. As a private label producer, innovation cannot be separated from close collaboration with customers, combined with the ability to grasp market trends.

There are two main lines of innovation at La Doria: product innovation with a focus on packaging and process innovation to optimise production and mitigate its environmental impact.

The quality of the company system cannot disregard the work that all the Group’s people do daily, their well-being, and their skills.

Training and development

The company’s ability to be competitive on the market and continue to grow necessarily passes through the development of its people.

Company know-how is consolidated through a set of coordinated actions that include training programmes and the development of career paths. The main lines of training focus on new product development and food safety, production skills and line maintenance, safety in the workplace and administrative-accounting and language skills.

The link with the territory and opportunities for young people

A further element of the quality of the company system for La Doria is the commitment to consolidate the link with the territory. In fact, most of the company’s people come from the communities surrounding the plants.

Moreover, for some years now, the ‘Rosso d’Estate’ project has been the privileged channel for selecting, training and developing the new recruits employed within the group’s production sites. The participants are involved in a training course that allows them to acquire some basic skills on company operations and ends with a work experience during the tomato campaign.

Company health and safety

Occupational health and safety are management principles on which La Doria always focuses. The Group is committed to training and raising awareness among employees in the workplace by facilitating their participation in company life and improving their knowledge of health and safety regulations. This commitment is formalised by the achievement of UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 Certification at all plant.

To encourage the right to education, La Doria awards scholarships entitled “Anna and Diodato Ferraioli” to the children of employees who have embarked on a university career and, from 2018, also to the best students from local schools who graduated during the year in courses of study in line with the skills required by the company.

La Doria S.p.A.- società con unico socio, Via Nazionale 320 Angri (Sa) - Italia
Capitale sociale € 46.810.000 (int. vers.)
C.F., P.IVA e N. iscrizione Registro Imprese di Salerno:
IT00180700650- REA SA147593