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La Doria presents 2023 sustainability report

Key milestones met in terms of combating climate change, responsible supply chain management and impact on the local community.

  • Reduction of 7,123 tonnes of CO2 emissions as a result of thermal and energy recovery;
  • 98% of waste recovered;
  • Reduction of 283,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions through an agreement with GTS for rail transport;
  • Validation of CO2 emissions reduction targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi);
  • Joining of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) – the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative;
  • 22,033 of training hours provided to employees in 2023 (compared to 16,555 in 2022);
  • Adoption of United Nations Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs);


Angri (SA), June xx, 2024 – La Doria, the leading tomato-based products, sauces, pulses and fruit juices for supermarket private labels Group, has published its 2023 Sustainability Report. The document was drawn up to present the results and actions of the Group, which is committed to creating shared value for all stakeholders through sustainability strategies and practices within the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations.

“Our commitment has enabled us to achieve significant milestones in 2023 in both operating result and sustainability terms within a challenging global macroeconomic and geopolitical landscape. We are proud of our achievements, but at the same time aware of the global challenges ahead. We have, however, risen to these complex challenges with the support of our staff and the collaboration of our customers and suppliers, through lasting relationships built over time and based on dialogue and transparency. While we look for new growth opportunities, we remain focused on concretely addressing climate change, generating a positive impact for our community and on valuing our people” – stated La Doria Group CEO Antonio Ferraioli.  


The results achieved are the result of continuous investment. Over the past five years alone in fact, the Group has invested approximately Euro 142 million, of which more than Euro 20 million in ESG initiatives.

In 2023, La Doria obtained validation of its COemission reduction targets from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), confirming the effectiveness of its environmental strategy, which seeks to reduce not only the impact of production activities, but also that along the entire supply chain: specifically, La Doria targets a reduction by 2031, compared to 2021, of 46.2% of direct GHG emissions from production activities (Scope 1) and indirect GHG emissions from, for example, the purchase of electricity (Scope 2), and to reduce upstream and downstream emissions (Scope 3) by 32.3%. In 2023, the Group also joined the United Nation Global Compact (UNGC). This is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, based on ten universal principles related to human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. La Doria is also ranked among the top 1% of companies listed in the annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment of EcoVadis, one of the leading and most reliable providers of corporate sustainability ratings.


Plant efficiency and responsible management of energy resources

The fight against climate change and therefore the protection of the environment for La Doria is embodied firstly in complying with the UNI ISO 14001:2004 standard for all production plant, in addition to the continuous projects to develop and adopt new technologies to reduce the use of fuel gas and inefficiencies and waste, and also the increased use of cleaner energy sources.  In 2023 and early 2024, two new photovoltaic systems were installed at the Angri and Parma plant, adding to the three photovoltaic systems at the Sarno and Fisciano plant and that at the headquarters of the LDH subsidiary (Sproughton, UK).

The Group also has two cogeneration plants to produce electricity and steam at its Angri and Parma plant. In 2023, the latter was upgraded and, when fully operational, will be capable of covering 75% of the plant’s energy needs. Cogeneration plants are high-efficiency, i.e. they are able to guarantee a high ratio of energy produced to energy consumed. All of these actions have made it possible to cover 39.4% of energy needs in 2023 with self-generation and to reduce the consumption of energy purchased from the grid and the associated impacts. In addition, in 2023 new high-efficiency steam generators were installed at the Lavello, Fisciano and Faenza plant and two new boilers are planned at the Sarno plant in 2024.

Also in 2023, a new zero fuel gas consumption mechanical compression tomato concentration plant was installed. In summary, thanks to continuous investment over the years, thermal and energy recovery in 2023 resulted in a reduction of 7,123 tCO2 compared to 6,484 tCO2 in 2022.


Packaging and logistics

A focus on the environment also translates into the sustainability of the packaging used. In 2023, La Doria self-produced 973 million tinplate cans, corresponding to 97.5% of total requirements, thus avoiding the impact of transportation from third-party suppliers. In addition, all boxes used in production are fully recyclable, and 100% of the corrugated cardboard and 98.9% of the shrink material come from recycled sources. The Company has also been committed for years to increasing the use of packaging made using renewable sources or recycled material and to reducing packaging volumes and unnecessary packaging.

The organisation of logistics is also increasingly central to reducing the environmental impacts associated with the transportation of raw materials, semi-finished goods and products. In this regard, the Group over the years has greatly increased the storage capacity at its production sites to reduce the use of external warehouses, which are still on average within a radius of approximately 17 km from the production plant. In addition, La Doria relies on local suppliers as much as possible. Specifically, 52% of raw material spending and 75% of service spending comes from local suppliers. 

The proximity of the La Doria facilities to the ports of Naples and Salerno is also a strategic advantage that the Group has decided to leverage upon in order to increase intermodal transport and progressively reduce road transport. Additionally, the Company is committed to developing intermodal logistics, favouring, where possible, rail transport as a substitute for road transport, in order to reduce the negative impacts of this form of transport on the environment. In 2023, in cooperation with GTS and by prioritising rail over road transport, it was possible to cut CO2 emissions by 283,000 tonnes.


Waste and wastage  

The Group’s commitment to environmental protection also finds expression in the utmost attention it pays to the issues of waste and wastage, which are  increasingly the focus of the international community and within public opinion.  For 2023, the percentage between waste recovered and produced was 98%, while another important activity carried out by the Group is the donation of some products to charitable organisations. In 2023, the La Doria Group donated products worth around Euro 714,198 to charity, mostly to the Food Bank.


The company contributes to reducing waste also through ongoing collaboration with and support to farmers. This approach seeks to promote, including through precision agriculture projects, mitigation of the negative environmental impact of agriculture, thanks to reduced water consumption and pesticide use.


With a view to reducing waste and the circular economy, specific projects aimed at reusing certain by-products of processing by feeding them into third-party production processes are also ongoing. For example, tomato peels and seeds are used in feed for farm animals 6,467,450 KG in 2023), while the stones of puréed fruit are used in the confectionery industry, or as biomass fuel (459,180 KG in 2023).


Traceability and supply chain

La Doria considers traceability an indispensable element of operating responsibly on the market.  In particular, it is able to guarantee the complete traceability of all product lines, from the land of origin to retailers’ shelves, despite the great variety of raw ingredients used and their different origins. Tomatoes can be traced right down to their cultivation lot.


The company firmly believes in responsible supply chain management and introduces measures and initiatives alongside growers’ organisations and at suppliers to promote respect for human rights and fair working conditions for harvest workers.

The Group therefore also conducts constant and increasing audits through an ethical risk monitoring system.  Specifically, 74 field checks and ethical audits were conducted over the 2022-2023 period by La Doria, its clients and third parties. All of the tomatoes La Doria receives are also harvested entirely mechanically: this choice is not only motivated by guaranteed rapid and accurate harvesting, but also by avoiding the exposure of workers to potentially hazardous working conditions.

The Group in 2023 also worked to raise awareness amongst tomato producer organisations regarding the obtainment of GLOBALG.A.P. GRASP certification for the implementation of agricultural and social best practices.

In this context, the critical path dedicated to the tomato supply chain, which led to the achievement of Social Footprint certification, continues.


Our people and local communities

A company’s competitiveness inevitably depends on the development of the skills of its people. In this regard, 22,033 hours of training were provided in 2023, compared to 16,555 in 2022. As part of its commitment to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, business practices, and society, the Group in 2023 signed the United Nations Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs), in the knowledge that these aspects still have major areas for improvement. Again with a view to being close to its personnel, in 2023 La Doria decided to support employees with an economic contribution with a net value of Euro 450 Euro disbursed at the beginning of the Christmas holidays.

The focus on the individual also goes for the local communities in which La Doria operates. We highlight in this regard the commitment to contribute to local growth and strengthen ties with local communities.  In recent years, this effort has focused on creating job opportunities for young people through the “Rosso d’Estate” (“Summer Red”) initiative, in which participants are engaged in a training course that enables them to acquire basic skills for company operations and which concludes with valuable work experience during the tomato season. Another major investment by La Doria supporting the right to study is our “Anna and Diodato Ferraioli” scholarships, now in its ninth edition and for children of employees starting their university careers and local higher management training schools.


Another fundamental initiative was joining the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) “Welcome – Working for Refugee Integration” programme, which resulted in the hiring of 3 refugees.



La Doria Spa

La Doria Spa is the leading European producer of processed pulses and peeled and chopped tomatoes on the retail channel and among the leading Italian producers of fruit juices and beverages. La Doria is also the leading producer in Europe of private label ready-made sauces. 2023 revenues totalled Euro 1.228 billion, of which 95.6% generated by the private labels segment with the major domestic and international retailers.



For further details:



La Doria press office

Patrizia Lepere, Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager

Tel: +39 081 5166260 – Mob: +39 3409673931


Ad Hoc Communication Advisors

Giorgio Zambeletti – e-mail:

Ivan Barbieri – Mob: +39 3351415581 – e-mail:

Sara Mastrorocco – Mob: +39 3351415590 – e-mail:

Maria Lucia Boi – Mob: +39 3426523390 – e-mail:


La Doria S.p.A.- società con unico socio, Via Nazionale 320 Angri (Sa) - Italia
Capitale sociale € 46.810.000 (int. vers.)
C.F., P.IVA e N. iscrizione Registro Imprese di Salerno:
IT00180700650- REA SA147593