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La Doria confirm leading position in sustainability

For the fourth consecutive year, La Doria has been included in the “Sustainability Leaders” ranking of large companies, compiled by Statista, an independent research company, and Il Sole 24 Ore. The ranking is the result of an analysis aimed at identifying the Italian companies that have excelled in the various areas of sustainability: environmental, social and governance.
Around 1900 companies were included in the research, which evaluated more than 40 sustainability indicators. Of the companies analysed, only 200 large companies were included in the ranking, of which only 10 were in the food sector.

La Doria S.p.A.- società con unico socio, Via Nazionale 320 Angri (Sa) - Italia
Capitale sociale € 46.810.000 (int. vers.)
C.F., P.IVA e N. iscrizione Registro Imprese di Salerno:
IT00180700650- REA SA147593