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La Doria among the top Food company

La Doria is once again one of the top Italian companies in the food and beverage sector in 2022, according to an analysis by Mediobanca’s Research Area. The ranking, published in FOOD magazine, is based on 2022 data from over 350 leading companies in the food sector and places the Group in 14th place for profits and 20th place for turnover.

We are proud to be among the top 20, together with prestigious companies such as Barilla, Ferrero, Parmalat and others.

La Doria S.p.A.- società con unico socio, Via Nazionale 320 Angri (Sa) - Italia
Capitale sociale € 46.810.000 (int. vers.)
C.F., P.IVA e N. iscrizione Registro Imprese di Salerno:
IT00180700650- REA SA147593