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La Doria among companies honoured by UNHCR for its commitment to fostering the workforce inclusion of political refugees

LA DORIA is among the companies that have been honoured by the UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency, for its efforts in promoting programmes for the workforce inclusion of political refugees. The award ceremony took place yesterday in Rome at a dedicated event.

UNHCR’s recognition consists of the awarding of the logo “Welcome. Working for refugee integration”, testifying to the company’s commitment to providing employment opportunities for asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection and to its adoption of an inclusive company model.

CEO Antonio Ferraioli stated – “We are happy to participate in this project, in which we have believed from the very beginning, as it is also through these initiatives that we express our values, pursuing the goal of a more inclusive society and solidarity with those who have been forced to leave their countries for reasons of conflict and persecution.”

The Parma plant has signed up to the programme and it can be regarded as a pilot project to be extended to other plants in the future.

La Doria S.p.A.- società con unico socio, Via Nazionale 320 Angri (Sa) - Italia
Capitale sociale € 46.810.000 (int. vers.)
C.F., P.IVA e N. iscrizione Registro Imprese di Salerno:
IT00180700650- REA SA147593