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Quality and safety

The absolute quality of raw materials: a guarantee of food safety.

Commitment and attention to meet the expectations of all
customers, end consumers, suppliers.


A work of excellence

In addition to compliance with the relevant regulations, which is a prerequisite for operating, all our factories have ISO 9001 and ISO 22005 certified management systems; furthermore, the factories producing for retailers are certified according to the main food safety standards (IFS, BRC).

These certifications and the inspections we constantly carry out on our products ensure high levels of safety and quality.


Attention to detail

We are highly committed to maintaining a close focus on detail and on objectives, management systems and implementation programs.

We guarantee the human and instrumental resources that are essential to meet the high-quality standards that set La Doria products apart.

  • Care for the local community and environmental sustainability principles
  • Strict raw material quality control
  • Utmost attention on the customer
  • Ongoing training and staff involvement
  • Sharing and empowerment of stakeholders: staff, suppliers, management
  • Constant improvement of products and of production process services

The path of quality

Selection of production areas

We identify and monitor the most suitable geographical areas around the world for the production of the best raw materials. The territories are chosen based on certain criteria that are able to significantly influence the quality of the products.

The path of quality

Supply chain control

We support farmers in the purchase of the best raw materials and the necessary means for their cultivation and provide them with agronomic advice and specific training sessions.

All product lines processed by La Doria are fully traceable from field to shelf with punctual quality controls. This allows consumers and distribution chains that rely on us to be fully aware of the origin of the products and raw materials used.

The path of quality

Production technologies

We constantly invest in the most advanced production and control systems for quality monitoring at every single stage of processing.

People and the environment, the La Doria pillars

A concrete, daily 13-point commitment.

Some of our certifications

La Doria S.p.A.- società con unico socio, Via Nazionale 320 Angri (Sa) - Italia
Capitale sociale € 46.810.000 (int. vers.)
C.F., P.IVA e N. iscrizione Registro Imprese di Salerno:
IT00180700650- REA SA147593